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  • apt-get install nftables

Create a basic IPv4 table

  • nft add table inet filter

List that table

  • nft list table inet filter
table inet filter {

Create a chain for input,output,forward traffic IPv4

  • nft add chain inet filter input { type filter hook input priority 0\; }
  • nft add chain inet filter output { type filter hook output priority 0\; }
  • nft add chain inet filter forward { type filter hook forward priority 0\; }

Conntracking for input,output,forward

  • nft add rule filter input ct state established,related counter accept
  • nft add rule filter output ct state established,related counter accept
  • nft add rule filter forward ct state established,related counter accept

loopback interface traffic is ok

  • nft add rule filter input iifname "lo" counter accept
  • nft add rule filter output oifname "lo" counter accept

A rule to check that ssh,http,https input is fine (IPv4)

  • nft add rule filter input tcp dport 22 counter accept
  • nft add rule filter input tcp dport 80 counter accept
  • nft add rule filter input tcp dport 443 counter accept

A rule to check that output is fine (IPv4)

  • nft add rule filter output counter accept

A rule to check that some forward is fine (IPv4)

  • nft add rule filter forward iifname "ens19" oifname "ens18" tcp dport 22 counter accept
  • nft add rule filter forward iifname "ens19" oifname "ens18" tcp dport 443 counter accept

Example Script

#!/usr/sbin/nft -f
#variable declration 
define tcp_lan_input_ports = { 8472, 53 }
define tcp_all_input_ports = { 80, 443 }
define udp_lan_input_ports = { 53 }
define tcp_for_input_ports = { 53 }
define udp_for_input_ports = {  53 }

# table declaration
add table filter
add table nat
flush table filter
flush table nat

table filter {
        chain input {
                type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop;
                ct state established,related counter packets 97 bytes 6640 accept
                iifname "lo" counter accept
                iifname "ens19" tcp dport $tcp_lan_input_ports counter accept
                tcp dport $tcp_all_input_ports  counter accept
                udp dport $udp_lan_input_ports  counter accept
                log prefix "nft-input "

        chain output {
                type filter hook output priority 0; policy drop;
                ct state established,related counter accept
                counter accept
                log prefix "nft-output "

        chain forward {
                type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop;
                ct state established,related counter accept
                iifname "ens19" oifname "ens19" counter accept
                iifname "ens19" oifname "ens18" tcp dport $tcp_for_input_ports counter accept
                iifname "ens19" oifname "ens18" udp dport $udp_for_input_ports counter accept
                iifname "ens19" oifname "ens18" icmp type echo-request counter accept
                log prefix "nft-forward "

table ip nat {
      chain prerouting {
                  type nat hook prerouting priority 0;
      chain postrouting {
                  type nat hook postrouting priority 0;
                  ip saddr oif ens18 snat

                                                                                                                  1,1           Top

List that table

  • nft list table inet filter

Flush rules in chain filter/input

  • nft flush chain inet filter input

Delete the chain filter/input

  • nft delete chain inet filter input

Delete the table filter

  • nft delete table inet filter
